Saturday, March 7, 2009

Screw it, I'm eating peanut butter

I know, I know, peanut butter isn't good for you. Or is it? Who really knows? There's the paleo diet, which forbids peanut butter. Then there's Gillian Mounsey, who eats peanut butter sandwiches and has a 3 minute Fran.

What I do know is that trying to force Almond Butter down the pie hole is a huge waste of money. I just don't like it. I actually sort of hate it. I love almonds - raw, dry roasted, toasted - whatever. They just can't be...ground.

So, I will now resume my normal peanut butter eating habits - peanut butter on apples, peanut butter on bananas, peanut butter in my smoothies, and peanut butter on a spoon. Yum.

WOD 090307

"Fight Gone Bad"
Push Press, 55#
WallBall - 14#, 10ft target
Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 55#
Box Jump, 20" box

Score - 268 (PR by 19, but with 10ft target. Old PR was set with an 8 ft target).

Like a dummy I left my score sheet at the gym, so I can't give too many details. I do know that my pushpress was all above 20 (26, 21, 24 I believe), my row was 12 or 13 each time. I got 20+ box jumps each round, and 18-23 SDLHP each round. My wallball is pathetic. Absolutely, terribly, awfully pathetic. I got maybe 15 the first round, 11 the next, and 8 on the final round. I am awfully uncoordinated, the 14# ball is extremely heavy for me, and 10 feet is really high. The bottom of our targets is at 10' - higher than most affiliates' targets, but it makes doing wallball at another affiliate seem like a walk in the park.

Overall, I am happy with my performance. I worked all freaking day yesterday, ate like shit because I threw a birthday party for a friend of mine, got up and worked 5:30 - 2 slinging single, skinny, tall, sugar-free vanilla, decaf "Lattes" to the addicted population of Bozeman. I was exhausted, hungry, blah blah blah, and I still managed a PR by 19. I am now closer to 300 than 200! I really do think that with just an 8' target, I have 300+ in the bag.


Blogger Patrick Haskell said...

Love the attitude with the PB. Food that works for your body, tastes good, and makes your life easier should be enjoyed. I can't do PB, but that doesn't mean you should listen to the voices of the All-Knowing, rather than to the common sense of your body.

Nice FGB. Let me know when you hit it next, and we can race to 300.

March 8, 2009 at 4:23 AM  

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