Sunday, March 8, 2009

I think it's working

I feel strong. Today is the second day that I have ever used more than 100# for cleans in a metcon. Clearly, my program is working. Lifting heavy before metcons might slightly hamper my performance in the metcon of the day, but I know that it is making me a lot stronger. That, and I've been eating a lot better (mostly). I've also been trying to make sleep more of a priority, which is hard to do, but necessary.

I just hope I can keep up the good work all the way until May 16/17.

WOD 090308

Front Squat 5-5-5
  • 45x5x2
  • 75x5
  • 95x3
  • 115x1
  • 125x5
  • 135x5
  • 145x5
Skill work: deadhang pullups AND cleans. I have a habit of hopping forward when I clean, so I did some cleans up against a wall. I'll have to get a video or picture of it sometime - it probably looks pretty odd.

3 Rounds for time:
105# Clean, 5 reps
10 Burpee-Pullups
250m Row


I thought that would take a LOT less time. I was shooting for about 8 minutes. The burpee-pullups definitely slowed me up. I haven't done these in almost 1 whole year. My technique definitely needs some work. I will start incorporating these into warm-ups. If my technique were better, I could probably be at least 1 minute faster, if not more. Hard to say, really.

Even though my time isn't as fast as I wanted it to be, I felt pretty confident on my cleans, and my row was even faster than I thought. I don't recall any splits, but I remember always being surprised at my pace when I opened my eyes to peek at my progress. I think I finished up my last round at a sub-2 minute pace! I tried really hard, and it was definitely very intense. That's the whole goal, after all.

Food today:
  • Calories: 2140
  • Protein: 100 g (20.1%)
  • Carbs: 83 g (16.6%)
  • Fat: 141 g (63.3%)
Not bad. I feel good. I also slept in until 11 today (well, 10 really, but 11 'cause of daylight savings). That's 11 hours of sleep. I needed it!


Blogger Patrick Haskell said...

Wow! Is that a PR?

The sleep, that is.

Technical question: Have you always started your oly lifts with your hips so high, or is that something that just carried over from your new DL start position? I'd think that a more upright start position would help limit that forward movement, although looking at your snatch vid, the first pull looks good and the issue appears to be related to you driving off the balls of your feet on the 2nd pull.

There are two things that seem to be going on. Your elbows are rotated back somewhat, and you're opening your hips with your weight forward - popping them forward rather than driving them up. As a result, The bar is leaving your body around your navel, and that's going to limit the amount of weight you can handle. Fortunately, you've got great strength, balance, and coordination, so your numbers are still pretty damn good.

I'd recommend working hang power snatches and hang power cleans, focusing on driving through the heels and keeping the that bar close to you. Once you get that down, go to hang squat versions and then gradually work your way down through the hang positions to the floor, until you redevelop that heel-driven power.

BTW, I totally blame your biking for this fault. Your quads are too damn strong. As a former cyclist myself, I have the same issue on my jerks, but I've gotten it squared away on my pulls. On the bright side, this means you now have a good excuse to work the olympic lifts more often, which means life in the gym will be more fun.

March 9, 2009 at 4:21 AM  
Blogger jenna said...

Actually, that's NOT a sleep PR. I have had several 14 hour nights of sleep in my life - all in college, actually. The first time was thanksgiving break, Junior year, I had nothing to do but eat, sleep, and run, so I slept 13-14 hours each night. The next time was the week before Ironman Hawaii, I was in Hawaii, and had nothing to do but eat, sleep, and "train", so I slept, again, 13-14 hours a night. I might have been just a tad overtrained at that time :)

I'm going to address the rest of your comment in today's post, because I think it's a great comment. Thanks for your input.

March 9, 2009 at 8:57 AM  

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