Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy Birthday?

Yesterday was my birthday, hence, no post. I was too busy "celebrating" by eating sugar-laden foods and doing fun activities. It was, by all conventional definitions, an excellent birthday. It started at 6 a.m. where I stopped into Rockford Coffee on my way into the gym. I was in the throes of an ice cream hangover from the night before (early celebration) and wanted Rockford Coffee to help wake me up for my early workout. Ryan, the owner, and my old boss, accused me of coming in to get free coffee on my birthday. It was a joke, but that joke wasn't then, never had been before, and never, ever will be funny. "Here's your free coffee. Happy Birthday, cheap-ass!" just isn't the birthday wish I wanted to hear first thing in the morning on my birthday.

So, I might have kinda-sorta-just-a-little-bit chewed him out. I believe my exact words were "No, actually Ryan, I just wanted a cup of f*cking Rockford Coffee on my birthday" followed by hurling my $2 at him. He felt terrible, as he should, and so he gave free coffee to both me and Ben. It was awesome.

Then, I went to the gym and did my all-time favorite workout.

"Nasty Girls"
3 Rounds for time:
50 squats
7 muscle ups
10 Hang Power Cleans, 95#

15:59 (whew, just under the wire!)

I was hoping for sub-15, but my last muscle up I had to re-do, and it took me a couple of tries. Well, I missed it once because I didn't get through the transition. Then, i missed it again because I didn't press it out at the top (though later I was informed that I had pressed it out plenty, but I didn't think I had). So, I had to re-do it. At that point, I was on the verge of, and maybe slightly in, tears. But, I finished off strong with all 1o HPC in a row.

This is a PR by about 30 seconds, and last time I did assisted MU and pullups. I didn't ever feel like I was pushing super hard yesterday though. My back/hip is kinda hurting from when I dropped 105# on myself, and I was so hungover from all the sugar that I just wasn't performing very well.

One thing is clear - I need to work on my muscle ups more!

The highlight of my day (food-wise) had to be the 4 layer chocolate cake with white buttercream frosting that one of my athletes made for me. It was hands-down the best cake I have ever had (except for possibly the carrot cake that she made for our party last weekend). If I ever get married, I think I know who's making my wedding cakes!!!

The cake did send me into a sugar high followed by a sugar low coma. But, I think I had recovered from that by the end of the night, and I managed to sleep pretty well. I even got to sleep in until 8 a.m. today - though I feel like I could have slept a lot longer. I woke up pretty darn sore. I think I'll cash in on that gift certificate for a massage that I got for my birthday!

Time to do today's WOD - hopefully it'll help flush the remaining sugar out of my system and I can start over.


Blogger Patrick Haskell said...

Happy birthday, Jenna. Sounds like a full day. Nasty girls sounds like a tough nut to throw between two sugar binges. Try again on a good day. That 15 minutes will fall w/o MU practice.

March 12, 2009 at 1:04 PM  

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