Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Big News!

It's been a while since I have posted last. Not much has been going on. Actually, that's not true at all. Here's what I've been doing:
  • Aug 22/23 I went to the CrossFit Kids Cert. We affiliated with CrossFit Kids and started our Kids program in September. What a blast!
  • The Montana State Games were held at Bridger CrossFit (yep, my gym!) on August 29. It was great! The event went down without a hitch. It was a long day, but very fun.
  • I went to the CrossFit Level 2 certification in Vancouver, BC on Sept 9 and 10. Ben and I were supposed to go mountain biking in Whistler for a few days before that, but he had passport trouble, so I went alone, and I didn't go mountain biking. I passed the Level 2, with the high score of the day, actually! We had a 25% pass rate at our it was pretty hard! It was really fun, and I met a lot of cool people, and saw one of my old buddies, Jordan Glasser from CrossFit Whistler.
  • Finally, Ben proposed on September 12! We are getting married on New Year's Eve. I have been so busy with the gym, with starting the Kids program, with preparing to travel a lot in October, and now, planning a wedding! Ohhh, it's going to be busy and fun!