Saturday, July 11, 2009

5 down, 0 to go

I survived the whole first day of WODs! The sandbag hill run didn't treat me as well as I had hoped, but I maintained my position in 33rd place.

The row/stake hammer/row workout was horrible. I got off the rower in 2nd to last place, but it was close of course because it was only a 500m. I had a hard time getting the stake fell out 3 times. I think I had a tough piece of ground because I was hitting that damn stake so hard and it wasn't moving more than half an inch each time, where other people's were moving several inches. That workout moved me to 44th place, but that was good enough to do the 5th workout.

The 5th workout was 3 rounds for time of: 30 wallball and 30 hang squat snatches, but each snatch had to start below knee, but not on ground. I was 21 snatches away from making the cutoff. It wouldn't be so bad if that weren't the 5th WOD of the day.

I'm pretty sure that I won't be in the top 16 and therefore competing tomorrow. That's ok. I'm just glad it's over.

3 down, 2 to go

I finished up the deadlifts. I only got to 235, which was good for 62nd place in that event. That put me at a tie for 33rd with 68 points. There are a lot of ties at this point so it's hard to say, really....I am middle of the pack at this point. I just finished the sandbag hill sprint. I got 4th in my heat, and ben said it looked like a fast heat, but he might just be being nice :)

The next event, the row/stake hammer/ row event starts next. Hopefully my Montana wood-chopping background helps me there.

Run results

I think I got 6th in the run! That means I start 6th from last in the DL event....wish me luck! We're lining up now.

Monday, July 6, 2009

I just hope I make all 5

First of all, it was just announced that Day 1 of the CrossFit games will consist of 5 workouts. AND, that after the first 2 workouts, the bottom 10 athletes will be eliminated. Again after the 3rd and 4th workouts. And, only the top 16 athletes will get to compete on Sunday. I hope to make it through Day 1.

Thanks to Shana for stopping by and calling me out. I'm such a slacker on my blog. I've been really busy lately, and I guess I feel like my workouts haven't been that awesome.

One of the things I've been busy doing is training Bill. Bill is a visiting CrossFitter from Miami University in Cincinnati Ohio. I think he's having a good time. So far, we've gotten him his first muscle up, a PR in the Snatch, a 10# PR in the Clean and Jerk today. Hmmm, what else? Here's Bill doing a 160# C&J today:

Wow, it's been over a week since I updated my blog! I did take 3 days off last week, which partially explains why I haven't updated much. Let's see....what have I done this week....

DL 3-3-3


4x400m Run, 2 minutes rest:
1:16, 1:15, 1:15, 1:13 all of those were a PR.

Yesterday, 090705:

"Spealler Made Me Do It"
10 Rounds for time of:
200m Run
8 KB swings, 1.5 pood
5 Push Jerks, 105#


I am wrecked today from this WOD. Holy crap.

21-15-9 reps for time of:
125# Deadlift
Chest-to-Bar Pullups


Lower back was toast after yesterday...My intensity was definitely lacking on today's WOD. I am sore today!