Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back from the dead

I apologize to all my loyal fans (who probably aren't so loyal anymore!). After the Games, I just didn't feel like doing much of anything. It's hard to describe how much that whole event took out of me. Mentally, emotionally, physically....I am just drained.

Mentally, because it took so much effort and focus to train, and I had been training really, really hard since Feb 1. I had cooked meals ahead of time, placed them in tupperware, microwaved eggs at the gym, etc, etc, for months. I had skipped out on mountain bike rides, and fun nights out. I had devoted my whole life to training for this one event, outside of my work, which is, well, training.

Emotionally...I was so let down. I had looked forward to this event for so long, but after the 2nd workout, I knew that I pretty much had no chance. And, with the row/sledge event, it ceased to be fun. And WOD #5....I cried in the first AND last rounds. I just didn't even want to be there. I kept looking at Ben and Justin, wondering if they could read my mind. I tried to transmit to them my feelings, through my eyes. I begged Ben to just let me quit, but being the good supporter he is, he smiled at me to let me know I would be okay.

Physically....well, obviously, 5 workouts in 1 day is hard. Really hard. The first one was hard. They just got worse after that. My splitting headache didn't help matters, either.

Anyway, I took a month off to recover. Not OFF, but I rested a fair amount. I find it hard to motivate when I don't have a goal in mind. Ben reminded me that the Ridge Run was something I could be training for.....

Ah yes, the Ridge Run. That was this past weekend. I quit after 10.5 miles. My IT band was wrecked. It wasn't worth the pain to me.

I did have some fun in the past month, including going to my best friend's wedding. Jennah and Nate were married in Buena Vista on August 8. Here is a photo:
Aww, what a cute couple.

Ahhh, more later. I am swamped!