Thursday, April 9, 2009

Stronger people are harder (for viri) to kill

Yesterday was an impromptu Rest Day. I got out of bed and my body was begging me to rest. I'm usually very excited about training, so when I am not looking forward to it, I know something is wrong.

I slept in today and luckily had Ben do the 9 a.m. class for me. I lay in bed for about half an hour, contemplating my plan of action, before getting up. I thought about taking the dogs on a little run, but decided I was too hungry for that.

Immediately upon standing up, I got sick. I will spare you the unpleasant details, but suffice it to say, I was not doing well. I had all the flu-like symptoms that everyone hates - nausea, cold sweats, etc. I got really, really dizzy and was sweating like a pig. I looked at the clock - 9:15 a.m.. Thank god I didn't go to the gym. It's rare for me to ask someone to cover a class for me - how lucky.

Then, as quickly as it came on, it was gone. I couldn't believe it when I felt warm again, and felt like I could leave the bathroom without taking the garbage can with me. I went back to bed, but soon I was too hungry to sit in bed.

I wonder why my "flu" was over in a matter of 20 minutes. Am I strong enough to fight off the 24-hour bug in 20 minutes? What would have happened if I weren't as fit?

I really, really want to workout right now, but I am resisting. I could use an extra rest day before the Gymnastics cert this weekend. Tomorrow we'll do a WOD with my friend Nicole, of Garage 4150, in Boulder. I'm looking forward to that. And, from what I hear, I will get enough of a workout during the gymnastics cert that I won't miss the WODs.

Here's a video of the "Fab Four" workout:

"FabFour" from Jenna Rettenmayer on Vimeo.


Blogger Patrick Haskell said...

My family has had the flu for the last month, and everytime I feel symptoms coming on, I take a little extra rest and fight it off. Your symptoms sound more like food poisoning, but that doesn't mean that being strong doesn't make you better able to recover and move on.

Nice box jumps - not quite Shana style (that was sick!), but damn fast just the same.

April 10, 2009 at 4:54 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

Strong work Jenna, glad to hear you are better already!

Your doggie is so adorable!

April 10, 2009 at 10:27 AM  

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